The Old In Out, In Out

These days I really don’t know what to say about the Web.

On one hand, I’m writing code like a madman, blasting out sites and even dipping
in to some bleeding-edge stuff.
On the other, I’ve come to realize that 99% of the web is total crap!

So what’s a dev to do? Easy!

Build intranets !

Anyway. Here’s my nerd ins-and-outs for ya:

IN: OUT: Comments
Web Apps Manual updates It’s 1995 all over again!
‘Classic ASP’ .NET Led Zep is “Classic”. ASP? Not Classic.
ASP PHP It makes me weep….
Automation 5 Day Turnarounds Can you say “Outsourced”?
RSS SOAP Blogs, I don’t read em. SOAP is cool. Give it 5 years, or possibly never.
Clay Shirky Phil Greenspun That was just for Artlung
IM Forums Who has the time?
Buying shit P2P Who has the time?
Phone calls Email Who has the time?
Java .NET Barely, this time
SQL Programming ADO Programming as if…
Blogs The Weird Blog subulture I don’t understand
Hating Blogs The Weird Blog subulture includes moblogging, photoblogging, anything with blog in it
Everything / Nothing Blogs I was down, down like fuck
Not Getting with the Program Getting with the Program I like this group…. alll workers…no experts – Jesse James
Being Loud and Stupid Being Stupid Let the whole world know.

The End.

Out With It

In the last 4 months I have had a flurry of activiy, including:
* college graduation
* marriage
* major purchase (car)
* job change

The graduation was mostly moot, as I had emotionally checked out of college many years prior. The marriage I’m not really gonna discuss here, and buying a car is certainly no mark of integrity.

But changing a job is among the most stressful things I’ve done.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I’ve resigned my position at AXXXXXM and am now soon to be in the employ of BXXXXXE Software.

Despite all those major life things above, I have to say that the Job thing was the heaviest. Through it I learned a few things about finding and getting jobs.

* Choose your employer:
This is a tough one for most everyone, but especially for new grads and entrants into the job market. It’s a matter or recognizing that an employer exists to facilitate your growth, just as you facilitate theirs.

My advice is to examine the people your company carefully, examine the principals and important executives. What is their track record? Where do they come from?

Know what the company does and their corporate history. Read any SEC or public finafnial data. Listen to the conference calls on Yahoo Finance. Be armed with this info in interviews- it impresses the hell outta people.

Look for a ladder of some sort. If you are a programmer, you may be interested in moving up the corporate food chain some day- so look for engineering-savvy project managers.

* Complacency Kills:
This is especially true in the software world. You have to avoid complacency at all times. Once it’s set in, it’s too late. You’re bored.

The prevailing wisdom is that is it always possble to extract additional skills from within your current job- but not always. Sometimes, you need a change.

* Negotiation skills matter:
Prepare to be judged on every action and every move you make. You need to be ready. You need the right clothes, right attitude, and visual aids. I can’t tell you how valuable having print-outs of code was to me.

Be on-time, reply to every telephone call and e-mail promptly and thoughtfully.

Be prepared to talk at length and to lead the meeting. If you can lead the meeting, you’re a shoe-in.
I’m a real talker, and I blew out my throat twice this last go.

* Look hard, but don’t waste your energy:
Finding jobs is tough. It is easy to key into the job market but difficult to get noticed. You will need to hit up as many channels as you can without wasting time pursuing dead-end venues.

You will need a multi-faceted approach:

* active contact (sending out resumes)
Send a personal cover letter for each resume you send out. Only apply to bona-fide jobs at companies that you choose. Research the company, check their web site. Don’t ‘spam’ your resume.

* passive contact (networking):
Talk to your peers and attend networking events. Avoid direct job solicitations in social situations. Face-to-face networking is more of an ongoing thing- look for opportunities to meet people outside of your social or peer groups. Avoid events popluated by non-professionals or dominated by vendors.

* Personal Colateral:
Have a web page with your info on it. Make an excellent resume. Print code. Have a portfolio.

* Be Decisive:
Make changes if things arent working. Be prepared to change jobs, and even career domains. Be prepared to re-train and re-purpose. Accept change and use it as a tool.

Don’t be funny with salaries,benes, whatever. Speak clearly and get it in writing.

IF possible, and if you are currently employed, or in a transition phase, avoid part-time and short-term contract jobs if you really want Full-time work- they will only tie up your resources. Of course, you may need the money 😉

* Be Discreet:
From your new salary to problem projects, be calculating with what you say to whom throughout the hire/resign cycle.

Don’t let management know you’re leaving until you’re ready to go. Don’t use the new job as a bargaining chip. Don’t entertain counter-offers, speak so as to politely but firmly decline any possible counter-offer.

So there you go. Hopefully, this will be useful to someone out there.

Fuckin’ Chuck Berry

Yeah ‘n’ I’m doin’ all right in school.
They ain’t said I broke no rule.
I ain’t never been in Dutch.
I don’t browse around too much

Don’t bother me, leave me alone
Anyway I’m almost grown

I don’t run around with no mob.
Got myself a little job
I’m gonna buy me a little car,
Drive my girl in the park

Got my eye on a little girl.
Ah, she’s really out of this world.
When I take her to the dance,
She’s got to talk about romance.

You know I’m still livin’ in town.
But I done married and settled down.
Now I really have a ball
So I don’t browse around at all
– Chuck Berry, 1959


No Money Down
As I was motivatin’
Back in town
I saw a Cadillac sign
Sayin’ “No Money Down”
So I eased on my brakes
And I pulled in the drive
Gunned my motor twice
Then I walked inside
Dealer came to me
Said “Trade in you Ford
And I’ll put you in a car
That’ll eat up the road
Just tell me what you want
And then sign on that line
And I’ll have it brought down to you
In a hour’s time”

I’m gonna get me a car
And I’ll be headed on down the road
Then I won’t have to worry
About that broken – down, ragged Ford

“Well Mister I want a yellow convertible
Four – door de Ville
With a Continental spare
And a wide chrome wheel
I want power steering
And power brakes
I want a powerful motor
With a jet off – take
I want air condition
I want automatic heat
And I want a full Murphy bed
In my back seat
I want short – wave radio
I want TV and a phone
You know I gotta talk to my baby
When I’m ridin’ alone”

Yes I’m gonna get that car
And I’m gonna head on down the road
Yeah, then I won’t have to worry
About that broken – down, ragged Ford

“I want four carburetors
And two straight exhausts
I’m burnin’ aviation fuel
No matter what that cost
I want railroad air horns
And a military spot
And I want a five – year guarantee
On everything I got
I want ten – dollar deductible
I want twenty dollar notes
I want thirty thousand liability”
That’s all she wrote

I got me a car
And I’m headed on down the road
No money down
I don’t have to worry
About that broken – down, ragged Ford

– Chuck Berry