Bite em. Post soon.
Signing off…
Well kiddies, your boy Sassy has made it to the zero hour, and it’s time to drop the kid stuff and TCB.
So, I’m signing off while I handle my impending nuptuals- see you 2 weeks.
Mandatory Fun = Not Fun
When you force someone to attend a “fun” event after normal working hours, it no longer is fun.
It’s work.
Trimmin’ the Fat
In the ‘rumors a’ flyin’ category:
From Overload
Gideon Choi and Gershon Moseley have been released from Blind …
Dogtown and Artafact at the Dwindle camp and Vallely Skateboards at the Giant camp have both been eliminated from existence.
Toan Nguyen, Peter Smolik, and Jesse Silvey no longer ride for Shortys.
Uncle Al has a web site!
Del Mar Fair Review
This year I was lucky enough to get some free tickets to the San Diego County Fair. Last night, we trekked up to Del Mar to check out “Commotion by the Ocean”.
The Del Mar Fair (DMF) is your basic county fair, with rides, bad food, lousy music, and a flea market stretching across several massive hangar-style buildings. Parking is in a massive dirt lot, and everything is designed to make you broke as quickly as possible.
My Wife-to-be exclaimed “This is just a glorified Adams Avenue Street Fair”, and I tended to agree. The Fair is certainly under-whelming. Given the ticket price (we didn’t pay), plus $7 parking, plus overpriced food, plus any rides (we only hit the ferris wheel), midway games at $3 a pop, you’re lucky to get out of there without breaking the bank.
Despite the high prices ($9 for 2 ribs and some fries), the fair features a crap-tacular atmosphere that can only be described as “Dirt-Farmer Chic”.
There are a few high points, however. The fine display of Flowers is pretty great, as are the sows, cows, goats and sheeps.
Emmanuel Goldstein was my Shrink
My home-skillet Artlung posted this thing: George Orwell – The Prophet?
While somewhat funny, and in some ways meaningful, it’s author neglects to recognize one major thing:
* 1984 was a commentary about the PRESENT (1948) not the future.
Most the comparisons drawn in this web page existed in Orwell’s time too. That’s was Orwell’s point.
PHP5 Beta is out
I’ll probably wait at least 6 months after the stable release. IN the meantime, it’s looking like it’s finally time to learn Servlets and JSP.
Ow, my teef hurt
So, another week of gloom for us San Diegans. Depression is setting in for most.
This weekend, In an effort to thwart the growth of my ever-expanding waistline, I took a few extra trips to the Pit for some hot skate action.
On Sunday, I showed up to find that some concerned citizen had poured sand on the runway and ledges. No worries, I just ran home and grabbed my trusty pushbroom and began cleaning up.
Just as I finished, a posse of “hardcore” kids from points unknown unloaded from their Jettas. 15 or 20 kids deep, they looked ready to rip.
After summing up the spot, they prompty decided that this spot was “shit”, mostly due to the lack of a landing on the ‘big three’.
Despite the numerous fun lines to be had otherwise, said crew departed as quickly as they came, without so much as a kickflip on the flat, exclaiming “Let’s go to Poway”.
Just as they left, I had finished sweeping up the sand and was just about to get down to biz. Alas, SDPD was nearby, shaking down a Mexican guy selling ice cream without a permit in the park.
It took *two* officers over 30 minutes to ticket this guy, and then they hung about and yapped for another half hour.
Finally, I started my session, proceeding with my typical line:
Ollie gap, 50-50 ledge, ollie up curb, ollie over small gap, etc…
Soon enough I had ass-checked due to the tremendous overwaxing. Today, I’m limping around on a swollen butt-cheek.