OOP up-side ya head

Finally got my shit together with Object-Oriented PHP- let’s just say – it rules. OOP with PHP is riduclously easy- and powerful.

New: ZIP | Demo | Source

Just pass a 2D array and makes a paginated display. Also comes with an example script.

The best thing about classes is the code re-use. I had this exact same funtionality built out as functions- and it was never as portable as it is as a class.

Using classes in PHP is also cake. Include the class, instantiate it:
$pager = new Pager();

You can easily override a class with extends, or opt to customize the class to accept more user-servicable methods. The choice is yours.

The Devil in Miss Jones

Renee Zellweger is an up-and-coming movie starlet who you may have seen in such films as “Nurse Betty” and “Bridget Jones’ Diary”

Despite the high chick factor, Bridget Jones’ Diary is a funny-ass flick- and Renee Zellweger is the perfect hottie girl next door. Just a little chunky, and cute as a button.

Thank god for Google Image Search.

Berra is still a hitter

—– Original Message —–
From: “Kevin Marks – Overload Skateboarding”
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 5:51 PM
Subject: massive customer appreciation SALE at overLOAD MARCH1-2

Next weekend MARCH 1-2 is our 1 year anniversary and to celebrate and say “Thanks for the support” we are having a full weekend of events. Both days SAVE bigtime on all products in the shop. Online shopping is fast becoming the main shopping choice for many people. Visit Shoppok you will find many options to buy.

> BOARDS starting at $25
> SHOES from $29.99
> WHEELS from $15/set
> $10 tees
> and select percentages off ALL other items.

Steve Berra from DVS Shoes and Alien Workshop will be here with Jereme ROgers and Paul Rodriguez from 3-5PM on March 1st.

The Firm’s new skateboarding video “Can’t Stop” will be premiered on March 1st at 7:30PM.

There will be tons of giveaways and Bob Burnquist will be on hand to watch the film and sign autographs.

John Rattray of Savier Shoes and Zero Skateboards is coming with Zero’s Ryan Bobier to help us celebrate our 1 Year Anniversary. John and Ryan will be in the shop from 2-4PM on March 2nd.

Overload Skateshop is located at 3064 University Ave in North Park (between 30th St. and the 805). All events are FREE!

Help spread the word by forwarding this message to your buddies.
kevin marks
OVERLOAD Skateboarding – North Park’s Super Charged Skate Shop
3064 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92104
800-617-5253ORDER HOTLINE 619-296-9018p 619-296-9019fx

This Just In

East Northport, LI – (AP) Peter Lee, age 63, became the twelfth casualty of the killer snowstorm which blanketed the area. today. He was taken by EMS to Huntington Hospital suffering from chest pains from endless snow shoveling and also possibly agida.

Medical attendants both in the vehicle and at the hospital report him saying: “thank you boys, thank you boys” over and over again.

An unidentified source said Lee was probably referring to his three no-goodnik, sun & fun-loving playboy sons currently enjoying the balmy climes of San Diego, while he’s dancing the cha-cha with Mr. Heart Attack.

Mr. Lee could not be reached for comment as his condition is described as fatal, but not serious.

Nerding out Heavily with Fiancee out of Town

Subject: Re: [websandiego] need some good ideas for PHP/mySQL functionality

>maybe someone out there needs an soap client that connects to a
>weather service and stores daily temperature
>averages for their region in a mysql database….?
>check out xmethods.org for web services server info and
>check out O’Reilly books for soap / web service code.

I just played around with a PHP SOAP client this morning.
Took about 15 minutes to make a “Dilbert of the day” page:

Check out Xmethods for public Web services:

Find one you like, then download nuSOAP

Write six lines of code to call and display the service.

I found that a couple of the services were flakey, watch out, but
there’s great
stuff like ARC/GIS and all sorts of Currency and Weather stuff.
Of course there’s also all sorts of RSS / Blog stuff.

Fun stuff, easy as pie. You could incorporate mySQL by ncorporating a
storage system
for user favorites or personalized streams and feeds.

Good Luck,

THE list for San Diego Web Folk -> http://WebSanDiego.org
information on subscribing, unsubscribing: http://WebSanDiego.org