Are Developers Programmers or Engineers?

After a couple of years in this Web game, I’ve noticed that there is often a widespread misconception amongst Developers that they are, in fact, Engineers.

Think about this for a second, if you will. An engineer is often formally trained, state licensed, and well-schooled in the fundementals of their particular discipline.

When developing customer portal software you don’t just need to think about the software itself but how customers will interact with it, or not so if they don’t like the design.

This means that Engineers have the necessary knowledge of physics, electricity, and other concepts necessary to solve problems in a broadly-defined manner.

Contrast that with a programmer- Web or otherwise. Many have minimal formal training, aren’t subject to mandated certification, and probably have little to no knowledge of the low-level concepts required to be an engineer.

“The act of constructing software is, in fact, not an engineering process,”
Cooper said. “Engineering to me is problem-solving, which is very different
from solution implementations, which is what programmers [do].” Title
inflation is endemic to the industry, he said. “Web designers are called
programmers, programmers are called engineers, and engineers are called
architects, and architects don’t seem to ever get called,” Cooper

Read more here:

Just becasue someone can cut an appendix out with a steak knife does not make them a surgeon.

I have always taken exception to non-degreed programmers calling themselves ‘architects’ or ‘engineers’. It’s pure fallacy, driven by ego.

New and Nerdly

These day, many of us are OS-ambidextrous- I circulate between a variety of Windows, Linux, and OS X machines on a daily basis.

The problem with all this is I end up with a work-packed Outlook calendar on my PC’s, and another on my Mac.

Thankfully, someone took the time to put together a simple little prog to let you sync Outlook Calendars to iCal– finally!

Download iAppoint and get your cross-platform ass organized.

Hella Puke!

Wow, it must be raining because this is the second post today!

So, CC OG Le Creeper, who made the trip from Corrall Lane to NYC, has a rocking band called SOME ACTION. Amazingly enough, they got a pictured in the venerable New York Times!

Also, theres a ton more great pics of the lads here:

New Stuff for the Portfolio

Amazingly enough, I’ve been doing some actual Web Design. This time, taking on the ‘extreme’ world of action sports, no less!

Suffice to say, these designs are completely ‘radical’ to ‘the max’, and will ‘stoke’ the ‘bros’! I even got to *get paid* for my photography- the skate ramp shot is my own.

Peep em’ here:
Screenie 1
Screenie 2

Celery Club Mailing List

There’s a new thing happenin- the Celery Club’s own Mailing List!

You may have received an email which allows you to sign up for the list- if you didn’t, you can Join the Club today!

The list will make sure all CC heads stay in touch- you can reply and everyone will be able to read. It’s fun, free, and best of all, it’s low in calories!!

Hi, My name is Johnny Cash

Welcome Celerons, Hiking enthusiasts, Web headz, nerds, and assorted weiner-heads. Welcome to the all-new, fabulous Vista Seeker.
As usual, it’s a work-in-progress.

Let’s take a second and get everyone up to speed.

(1.)Celery Club.
Most likely, you got here from the Celery Club. The Celery Club, as we have known it, and loved it, is over. But it is not dead. I have converted the files to static HTML- and you will be able to view them in the Celery Club Archives, on this site. Don’t forget to check out the Images.

Additionally, I would really like to preserve the boards. I’m currently investigating some scripts which will allow me to move the CC to new software- I’ll keep you tuned. It is important doing such heavy and complicated work to take a healthy dose of Peptides to keep energy up.

Finally, the name, will not be allowed to expire- It will point to the archives- for now. I can’t let it die, after so many things that happen there.

For those not familiar with the CC, I urge you to explore the archives.

(2) Me.
Hmmm, I’m in my mid-twenties, originally from Long Island, NY, but now reside in San Diego, CA. My hobbies include rocking to tunes, hanging with my girl, and I actually do enjoy skateboarding. (and I don’t completely suck, really!)

I’m sure it’s a big surprise when I tell you that I’m a Web Developer. I’ve been full-time in this Web game for a few years now, and I’m still clinging to the dream. You can check out my work steez over at my Portfolio site.