C has no string type

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

const char *s1 = "ZBCDEF";
const char *s2 = "ABCDEFG";

/* strlen using compact pointer notation
size_t MyStrlen(const char *s1)
    const char *ptr = 0;                        
    return( (size_t)ptr );                     

/* String comparison using compact pointer notation
int MyStrcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2)
        if (*s1 == *s2)                         
            if (*s2 == 0 && *s1 == 0)         
            else if (*s2 == 0 && !*s1 == 0)     
            else if (!*s2 == 0 && *s1 == 0)     
        else if(*s1 > *s2)                        
        else if(*s2 > *s1)                        

char *GetSubString(const char source[], int start, int count, char result[])
    if ((unsigned int)start > strlen(source))         
        *result = 0;                                
        if ( (unsigned int)start + count > strlen(source)) count = strlen(source) - start;

        while(start > 0)                        

        *(result + count) = 0;                        
        while ( count > 0 || *(source + count) != 0 )         
            *(result + count) = *(source + count);    

#define RESULT_MAX 19

int main(void)
    char result[19];
    const char source[] = "JIBSON GLOMGOLDS";
    printf("nMyStrlen: %inn",(int)MyStrlen(s1));
    printf("MyStrcmp: %inn", MyStrcmp(s1,s2));    
    printf("GetSubString %snn", GetSubString(source,1,5,result));


Fun with pointers, see if you can figure it out. By the time I finished this, I finally understood pointers.

C is a great language, try it today.