Smoky Sunset

Smoky Sunset, originally uploaded by Sassberto.

Another wild sunset today. Fires are retreating but it’s not over yet.

5 thoughts on “Smoky Sunset

  1. peter lee

    Because of this terrible fire, these are some songs that are hopefully not being played right now: (all real songs)

    1. Light My Fire
    2. Disco Inferno
    3. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
    4. Fire Down Below
    5. My Old Flame
    6. Smoke, Smoke, Smoke that Cigarette

  2. Erin

    Smoke on the Water
    Smoke From a Distant Fire
    Ring of Fire
    Kiss of Fire
    The Roof… The Roof… the roof is on fire!

    Oh hi, I’m a friend of Artlung.


  3. Tostada Feet

    Lake of fire
    Fire roasted Goblins
    The goblins are burning
    Help! My goblin ate a fire roasted tomato
    and finally
    Snorlax and The goblor’s

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